
Garuda at Srivilliputur Temple, Tamil Nadu, India

Table of Contents (The Complete Mahabharata in Simple English)

Previous Post: An Island Called Ramanayika

Note: In the previous post, we read about the island called Ramanayika that the creator (Brahma) had dedicated to the Makaras (crocodiles). Kadru and her snake sons had commanded Vinata and Garuda to take them to the beautiful island on their backs.

In this post, we will find out what happened when the snakes made further demands of Garuda.

The snakes began to enjoy themselves after arriving in the forest in Ramanikiya. After they had satisfied themselves, they commanded Garuda once again.

“O Garuda, ranger of the skies, you must have seen many beautiful regions while flying. Now take us to another excellent island that has pure water.” The snakes said to Garuda.

When Garuda was thus commanded for the second time, he reflected for a moment and asked his mother, Vinata, “Mother, why do I have to obey the snakes?”

Vinata looked at her son who had been blessed with immense energy, strength, and every virtue. She said, “The snakes committed an act of deception and caused me to lose a bet because of which I was enslaved by my co-wife, Kadru.”

A word of thanks to the sponsor of this page: Shri Srinivas Solapurkar.

I met Srinivas Ji at Sri Aurobindo Nivas in Vadodara. He was very generous in sharing his spiritual knowledge and wisdom about the “Guru Charitra Granth — A text about the Leela of Shri Bhagwan Dattatreya.

Along with yoga and naturopathy guidance, he also offers services as a Heritage Tour Guide in Vadodara.

Garuda became dejected after hearing his mother’s story. He was filled with sadness. Wanting to find a way out of slavery, he asked the snakes, “Tell me O snakes, how can we gain freedom from this bondage to you? Do you desire an object or some knowledge? I can bring them for you to win our freedom. If you desire, I can do an act that requires immense strength. Tell me, what can I do to acquire freedom?”

The snakes replied, “O great bird, bring us the amrit from the gods, even by force, if you must. You and your mother will be freed if you can do this for us.”

Note: The next few posts contain the adventures of Garuda as he goes to heaven and battles with the devas for the amrit.

Table of Contents (The Complete Mahabharata in Simple English)

Next Post: Garuda Begins his Quest for the Amrit

Ancient monoliths in Mawphlang sacred grove, India

Table of Contents (The Complete Mahabharata in Simple English)

Previous Post: Vinata and Garuda Serve as Slaves of Kadru and her Snake Sons

Note: In the previous post, we read about how Vinata and Garuda were commanded by Kadru and her Snake Sons to take them on their shoulders to a beautiful island in the middle of the ocean.

In this post, we will find out what the enchanted island of Ramanayika looked like.

The downpour of rain drenched and gladdened the nagas. Riding on Garuda’s back, they soon reached the island called Ramanayika, which had been designated as an abode for the makaras.

On the island, they saw the terrible ocean of salt called Lavanya Samudra.

Then they saw a beautiful forest washed by the sea waters and resounding with celestial music and the notes of various birds. It had clusters of trees filled with various fruits and flowers. There were many tall trees that grew only on the hills of Malaya. These trees were so tall that they seemed to reach the heavens. And then, there were trees whose flowers were scattered all around by the breeze which itself smelled of incense.

The forest also contained beautiful mansions, water tanks filled with lotuses, and several pure-water lakes. 

The forest was also filled with bees that were maddened with the honey they sucked from the flowers. 

The Gandharvas loved this charming forest because it filled them with delight. This forest, capable of charming anybody with its beautiful objects, was delightful and holy.

Kadru’s snake sons, who were immensely delighted by this forest, began to enjoy themselves in various ways.

Note: In the next post, we will read about a demand that the snakes make which causes Garuda to reflect on why he is bound to obey them and how he can free his mother and himself.

Table of Contents (The Complete Mahabharata in Simple English)

Next Post: Garuda Questions his Slavery