
The name of Draupadi leads to discussions about her character, her role in the war of Kurukshetra, relationship with her husbands, and her fictional love for Karna. Here, we’ll discuss Draupadi’s various roles throughout her life and Draupadi’s character as it is depicted in Maharishi Vyasa’s Mahabharata. We’ll also briefly point out how her portrayal…

Draupadi of Mahabharata is the most prominent character in the epic. She is considered the core reason for the destruction of the Kuru dynasty. However, holding Draupadi responsible for the destruction of the Kuru dynasty is incorrect. The destruction happened because of adharma – due to Duryodhana’s jealousy and covetousness along with Dhritarashtra’s indecisive attitude, among other factors – and Draupadi was simply the catalyst to remove the reign of adharma and re-establish dharma.

On this page, we’ll look at Draupadi’s story and try to analyze her characters. But first,  let’s check out what her various names mean and how they hint at her personality. 

Draupadi Name 

As with most characters and gods from ancient times, Draupadi also has more than one name. While the ones like Malini and Sairandhri are limited to her playing a part in disguise, the others are often used in Mahabharata to address Draupadi.

Here’s a brief list of Draupadi’s names and meanings: 

  • Draupadi – daughter of King Draupada 
  • Krishnaa (Kṛṣṇā) – in the color or Krishna (the one with a dark complexion) 
  • Panchali – daughter/princess of Panchala kingdom 
  • Yajnaseni – the one born through yajna (fire sacrifice/ ceremony) 
  • Draupadakanya – daughter of Draupada 
  • Parṣatī – granddaughter of King Parsati 
  • Sairandhri – an excellent maid ( Draupadi had disguised herself as a maid during the year she and her five Pandava husbands lived in disguise in the Matsya kingdom) 
  • Malini – garland weaver (another name for Sairandhri)
  • Yojanagandha – the one whose fragrance spreads miles (Draupadi’s natural scent could spread for over three and a half kilometers)
  • Nityayuvani – the one who always looks young and beautiful

Apart from the above names, you can also check out Draupadi 108 Names (Astottara Shatanamavali), where she is worshipped as a goddess – Draupadi Amman. You can find temples for Draupadi Amman in South India.  

One final note on names. The meaning of Draupadi in Hindi is the same as the meaning of one of her other names mentioned above — Drupadakanya. So this name reflects her parentage but does not tell us anything about her character.

You can start with the illustrated book by Amar Chitra Katha to get an idea about Draupadi.

Draupadi Character Analysis – Vyasa’s Version vs. Retellings 

A quick search on the internet will show quite a few fictional retellings of Mahabharata. Many of these are written from Draupadi’s perspective and claim to present her side of the story. But how many of them align with the original?  

This is an interesting question, one that reflects how people perceive Draupadi’s character. Are writers trying to understand her based on the original Vyasa’s Mahabharata, or are they creating a new version based on their perspectives and ideologies? 

Of course, there are certain elements many seem to agree upon. Draupadi is undoubtedly a strong woman capable of thought, action, and emotion. She is considered a symbol of feminine power – a queen who knows how to run the kingdom and a family. 

Draupadi as a Binding Agent

After all, she had to manage five men with varying temperaments and keep them together. Post Draupadi’s marriage to the Pandavas, Kunti pretty much handed over the responsibility to her daughter-in-law. And remember that the Pandava brothers have different parentage. Yudhishthira, Bheema, and Arujna have different fathers. Nakula and Sahadeva have a different mother and fathers. 

With the Kauravas already plotting against the brothers, the only chance of survival comes from staying together and loyal to each other, no matter what. In such instances, every word Draupadi spoke, every action, and every gesture could have long-lasting implications on their lives. Imagine the kind of wisdom and strength she would have possessed to sustain a healthy relationship with her husbands and ensure they continued to be a team.  

There are many incidents in the Mahabharata that show the effort Draupadi made to keep the Pandava brothers united and her family together. We’ve narrated two points below: one incident that shows her commitment to keeping her family united even when she was kidnapped by another king who lusted upon her and another point that shows how she kept her husbands’ other wives united by maintaining authentic and good relationships with them.

Draupadi’s Response to Being Kidnapped by Jayadratha

Draupadi Harana upa-parva is in the second half of Aranyaka Parva. Throughout the Mahabharata, Draupadi had to face many tough situations and accept that justice wouldn’t always be delivered the way she wanted. For example, when the Pandavas were in the last stage of the twelve-year exile, she was kidnapped by Jayadratha, who was none other than Dussala’s husband and the Kauravas’ brother-in-law, and consequently,  the Pandavas’ brother-in-law as well.

It so happened that one day, Jayadratha (the king of Sindhu) and his friends were traveling through the Kamyaka forest to reach King Shalva’s kingdom to attend a swayamwara. They stopped en route to rest. That’s when Jayadratha saw a beautiful maiden and immediately lusted after her. He soon realized that the maiden was Draupadi – wife of the Pandavas – but that didn’t change Jayadratha’s intentions.  

The Pandava brothers had gone hunting for food at that time and Draupadi was alone in her dwelling. Jayadratha took advantage of the situation to kidnap Draupadi. He forced her into his chariot and sped away. Yet, she didn’t lose her composure. She knew the Pandavas would come for her as soon as they reached the dwelling.

Rishi Dhaumya who had accompanied the Pandavas into the forest saw what had happened, but unfortunately, he could not match Jayadratha’s prowess and stop him. However, he narrated the incident to the Pandavas when they returned.

When Jayadratha saw the Pandavas chase him, he panicked and threw Draupadi off the chariot, and speed away. An infuriated Draupadi wanted her husbands to kill Jayadratha, but Yudhistira asked Arjuna and Bhima to catch Jayadratha him alive. Bhima was more than willing to kill Jayadratha after they caught him but Arjuna reminded him that Yudhistira wanted this man alive. 

When Arjuna and Bhima dragged Jayadratha to their hut, Bhima said they would make Jayadratha their slave. Yudhistira said they would let him go since Jayadratha was a relative even if he didn’t act like one (or rather acted very much like the Kauravas he was related to). Draupadi decided to drop the matter. She picked her battles and agreed with Yudhistira’s decision. We believe, this is because of three major reasons: 

  • She had to keep the brothers together, which meant preventing a conflict between Bhima and Yudhistira.
  • They were in exile and had no way to handle a war yet. They couldn’t give Duryodhana a reason to attack them by killing Jayadratha (it was a valid risk since Duryodhana was waiting for any opportunity to wipe them out). 
  • Pandavas didn’t need an enemy with them (even as a slave) to spy on their actions and future plans. 

This incident shows the effort Draupadi took to keep the five Pandavas together.

Draupadi’s Relationship With Subhadra and the Pandavas’ Other Wives

During his twelve-year exile, Arjuna abducts Subhadra (Krishna’s sister) with Krishna’s permission and marries her. Subhadra loved him with all her heart and was happy with the events. Arjuna already had two wives (rather, three wives) by then. He married Ulupi, a Naga princess, and Chitrangada, a Manipur warrior princess. Draupadi was his first wife, though they were yet to live as a couple. 

There are various versions of how Draupadi reacted when Arjuna brought Subhadra to Indraprastha. Some turn it into a melodrama where Draupadi flows into a rage and accuses Arjuna of breaking his promise (the Pandava brothers had to keep their other wives in the outer perimeters of the kingdom). However, Vyasa’s Mahabharata doesn’t go into much detail about this. In fact, it only shows that Draupadi was saddened by the news but handled it with grace and dignity. While she did not immediately forgive Arjuna, she did accept Subhadra into the family. 

Over time, the duo became good friends and even bonded as sisters. Draupadi loved Abhimanyu (Subhadra and Arjuna’s son) as her own child. Subhadra, in turn, took care of the Upapandavas (Draupadi’s children) when Draupadi and the Pandavas went into exile after losing the game of dice. 

Despite having other wives, the Pandava brothers were devoted to Draupadi. She was the only one who stayed with them as a queen and a pauper. In many places throughout Mahabharata, the brothers call Draupadi their beloved wife, while the co-wives get fewer mentions. 

The retelling of Mahabharata from Draupadi’s perspective by Saiswaroopa Iyer is one of the worthy Indic versions to read.


Draupadi’s Integrity

In Aranyaka Parva, Krishna visited the Pandavas three to four times. On one such occasion, he brought Satyabhama with him. Satyabhama and Draupadi sat inside the hut as the men conversed outside with Rishi Markandeya. Taking this chance, Satyabhama asked Draupadi how she handled five husband’s who not only loved her but also did what she wanted. She wanted to know if Draupadi used any herbs or potions to control them. This story exemplifies Draupadi’s integrity.

The Discussion Between Draupadi and Satyabhama

Draupadi gave a detailed reply to Satyabhama stating that she didn’t have to resort to external potions nor should a wife do that to her husband and destroy the trust and peace in their relationship. Then, she spoke at length about how she willingly performed her duties as a daughter-in-law, wife, and empress, which made her husbands reciprocate her actions and affections. 

To quote (taken from Bibek Debroy’s Translation of the Critical Edition), Draupadi said: 

I protect the hearts of my husbands, without being anxious about wrong words, wrong situations, wrong looks, difficult seats, difficult roads, and difficult signs…” 

Next, Draupadi listed the extensive tasks she handled as the empress of Indraprastha. She knew what the treasury contained, the number of servants in the palace, their names, etc. She made sure everyone in the kingdom had access to good food and the brahmins were happy and undisturbed. Draupadi was capable, efficient, and straightforward, which made her good at everything she did. The Pandavas loved her because she stood by them even when they couldn’t do the same for her. In a way, they relied on her for many things, including the drive to fight for what rightfully belonged to them. 

This incident gives us a very deep insight into Draupadi’s character as a straightforward woman who valued integrity, love, and doing her duty.

Draupadi the Strategist 

Draupadi’s story cannot be complete without mentioning her role in ruling the kingdom and making political decisions. Right from Yudhishthira’s marriage with Devika to the Kurukshetra war, Draupadi had a central role she played with ease. For example, Draupadi, Arjuna, Krishna, and Satyabhama were the only ones to strategize in Upalavya (in King Virata’s Kingdom) and plan their approach to defeat Kauravas in the Kurukshetra war. Even Abhimanyu and Subhadra were not allowed to join the meeting. 

Furthermore, Draupadi kept the flame of revenge alive in the Pandava brothers during their exile. She would remind them how the Kauravas and Karna insulted and disrobed her in public after Yudhishthira lost the game of dice. However, she didn’t express her anger at Yudhishthira for pledging her. Draupadi retained the focus on the Kauravas without causing a rift between the Pandava brothers. 

The Empress of Indraprastha by Sonali Raje is a five-part modern fan-fictional retelling of the Mahabharata from Draupadi’s perspective.

Draupadi’s Adaptability

Draupadi was raised with a lot of love and comfort by her parents in Panchala. As the princess of Panchala, she did not know what discomfort meant. Yet, when the Pandavas lost in the game of dice, she dropped her queenly clothes and palatial comforts to accompany her husbands to the forests for exile. She was the only Pandava wife to accompany them. Not only did she accompany her husbands to live a difficult life in the forests, the woman who had never known discomfort disguised herself as a sairandhri and worked as the Queen of Matsya’s maid for a year. These incidents show Draupadi’s adaptability. We’ve narrated below, her experience of living as a maid in the 13th year of exile in K8ng Virata’s kingdom. 

Draupadi as Sairandhri in Matsya Kingdom

In the thirteenth year of exile, the Pandavas adopted various disguises and lived separately to avoid being detected. They knew Duryodhana would have spies everywhere and would be looking for a group of five men and one woman. They found various jobs in Virata’s kingdom. 

Draupadi became Queen Sudeshna’s hairdresser. The queen was worried that Draupadi’s beauty might attract the king’s attention, but Draupadi assured her that she already had five gandharva husbands who would kill anyone that dared to misbehave with her. Her life was uneventful for the first ten months, but trouble stirred when Keechaka arrived at the palace. 

Keechaka was Queen Sudeshna’s stepbrother and the commander of Virata’s army. He was a powerful man who kept the Matsya kingdom safe from others and also conquered other kingdoms to increase the treasury for Virata. King Virata was old (Sudeshna was his second wife) and feared Keechaka. He knew that the commander wouldn’t go against the crown for personal reasons and he didn’t do that yet because of his love for his stepsister. This made Virata ignore the atrocities Keechaka committed against the women of his own kingdom. 

Keechaka started lusting after when he saw her in Queen Sudeshna’s chamber. Draupadi did her best to avoid Keechaka’s advances and even warned him that her Gandharva husbands would kill him. However, this made Keechaka want to possess Draupadi at any cost. 

One day, Keechaka made a plan to get Draupadi in his room. Once there, he caught her hand and to allure her. Draupadi freedom herself and ran to King Virata’s court. She implored Virata to take action but the king refused, even though he and everyone in the sabha saw Keechaka kick Draupadi. Unfortunately for her, Yudhistira also asked her to be patient as they couldn’t afford to let their identities slip and risk undergoing another round of exile. 

However, Draupadi was done with the abuse. She knew that Bhima would would certainly help her. She approached and convinced him to kill Keechaka. Bhima came up with a plan, which the duo followed and ended Keechaka’s life. Sadly, Draupadi’s troubles didn’t end there. Keechaka’s friends and sons saw his dead body and blamed Draupadi for it. They decided to avenge his death by tying her to a stake and burning her alive with the body. Draupadi was kidnapped yet another time. This time, her limbs were bound and she was dragged to Keechaka’s funeral pyre to be burnt with him. 

Before going into disguise, Draupadi and the five Pandavas had decided upon secret names for each of them that they would use in an emergency. She called out for help to all her husbands using their secret names. This time also, only Bhima responded and came to her rescue. He killed everyone and freed Draupadi. 

The tables finally turned the next morning when Draupadi walked into the kingdom with her head high. The king and queen were terrified of her. Even the citizens were afraid of staring at her, though many of them were equally happy and relieved that the Matsya women would be safe from Keechaka. They presumed the gandharvas had indeed killed the evil Keechaka, his friends, and sons. The queen told Draupadi she could leave (she was afraid to send her away outright). When Draupadi said she would leave in a week, the king and queen agreed immediately and kept their distance. 

There’s no denying that Druapadi’s demand for justice helped several women in the kingdom and saved them from being abused by a man in power. She took the initiative when the king displayed his cowardly side and ignored her plea. 

This incident shows Draupadi’s grit, dignity, and her inherent self-respect which she was able to maintain after being assaulted multiple times.

Draupadi’s Mercy

The Kurukshetra War was fought to give justice to Draupadi and for the entire Pandava family to get their rightful kingdom back. 

However, all of them also lost near and dear ones. Draupadi lost her father, brothers, and sons. When the duel between Bhima and Duryodhana ended on the evening of the eighteenth day of the war, Draupadi’s brothers and sons were alive. While she grieved the death of her father (King Draupada) and Abhimanyu, she still had part of her family. However, all that changed in an instant when Ashwathama went on an unfair and mindless carnage.

Draupadi’s Mercy Towards Ashwathama 

That night, Ashvatthaman (Drona’s son) went on a killing rampage and butchered all the remaining warriors (when they were resting or sleeping) in the Pandava camp. In less than twelve hours, Draupadi lost everyone except her husbands. She was enraged by Ashvatthaman’s cowardly act that made him target sleeping warriors when the Pandavas weren’t around. She demanded that Ashvatthaman pay for his sin. 

Once again, Bhima immediately jumped into a chariot and drove off with Nakula to catch and kill Ashvatthaman. They attacked Ashwatthaman. Ashwatthaman had a gem with special powers on his forehead from birth. Krishna pulled that gem out leaving a gaping wound on Ashwatthama’s forehead and also cursed him to suffer for a really long period. However, upon Arjuna’s insistence, they left him all ve because he was their guru’s son. 

Back at the camp, Bhima handed the gem from Ashvatthaman’s head to Draupadi and told her justice had been served but they did not kill Ashwatthaman because he was their guru’s son. 

Draupadi calmly handed the gem to Yudhistira to protect him since he would soon be the king of Hastinapur. She replied that she did not have any personal grudge against Ashwatthaman. She wanted justice because he had attackrd her brothers and sons when they were sleeping. She agrees that it was correct to let him live since he was her husbands’ guru’s son, and consequently also her own guru’s son. 

Once again, Draupadi showed she was much more than an emotional woman wanting revenge and destruction. She only wanted justice to be served and had the largeness of heart to spare the man who had unfairly killed her brothers and children. 

Draupadi and Karna – The Most Distorted Relationship 

As humans, we thrive on drama and the sense of saviorism we feel by supporting the ‘underrepresented’ or ‘misunderstood’. With Karna being a complex character in Mahabharata, it’s no surprise that a good portion of readers focus only on his good traits and ignore the rest. The non-existent love story between Draupadi and Karna stems from the same ‘sense of justice’ people exhibit. 

In contrast to how Draupadi Hindi serials portray this relationship, in Vyasa’s Mahabharata, Draupadi and Karna have minimum interaction (around three to four times). The first interaction is during her swayamwar, where she stops Karna from participating by saying she would not marry a Sutaputra. However, this too is debatable. When the Bhandarkar Institute was working on creating the critical edition of the Mahabharata, they found a reference to the “suta putra” statement only in five manuscripts. In many other manuscripts, Karna is shown as attempting but failing in the challenge.

Furthermore, Karna was already married and much older than the Pandava brothers (he was, after all, the first child Kunti delivered as an unwed teen). Would Draupadi willingly marry him even in her swayamwar? He had a total of 3 or 4 wives, though they aren’t named in Mahabharata.

The next is during the Rajasuya sacrifice of Yudhisthira, and the final interaction is when Draupadi is dragged into the court after the Pandavas lose the game of dice. In this scene, Karna calls her a prostitute for marrying five men and says she deserves to be disrobed in public. 

In fact, when Draupadi raises her questions at the events, Vikarna (the third Kaurava son) supports her. It is Karna who justifies the act and takes perverse pleasure in Draupadi’s abuse. Furthermore, he even goads Dhuryodha in insulting Draupadi. 

In Vyasa’s Mahabharata, Draupadi makes it clear that she hates Karna as much as she hates the Kauravas. On more than one occasion, she says she would see their end. Vyasa’s Draupadi has self-respect and dignity. 

Unfortunately, certain fictional retellings turn her into a lovesick teen with raging hormones where she not only lusts after Karna but is also willing to forgive him for his actions. Are we presenting her feminine strength, or downgrading her personality to someone who would lust for a toxic man? Draupadi was Yagnaseni, born from a flaming hot fire. Would a woman like her accept the worst kind of insults Karna threw at her?

While there’s no denying that Karna had the raw end of the deal and a tough life, we cannot ignore that he made many decisions that weren’t aligned with dharma. Regardless,  if we go by Vyasa’s Mahabharata, it is fairly clear that there was no love angle between Draupadi and Karna. 

Mahabharata Unravelled by Ami Ganatra highlights the difference between the original and fictional retellings.

To Sum Up 

Draupadi character can be compared to the raging flames in a yagna. She is fire personified – willful, resilient, dignified, strong, determined, capable, pure, and loving. Draupadi is an inspiration for women of all ages as a person who stood for dharma and truth.